Now, Corker's term as mayor of Chattanooga ran out four months into 2005, and the Republicans say he can't beheld responsible for all of those missed calls. The response from Harold Ford and the Democrats is that unanswered 911 calls increased during the years Corker was mayor, and that Corker reduced the number of operators working each shift in 2004, which would have made it harder, certainly, to catch each call. It's a debatable point - I say he's at least partly to blame for the trends he started.
The proper response to this ad is to debate the point, but the Republicans are afraid of debate and would rather sue. Typical. I'd like to suggest we show Corker and the Republican suits from DC what we think and send a little love Ford's way. I'm in Nashville, and this ad is running in East Tennessee, so I don't know which stations are involved, but if anybody does, maybe we could get contact info and let them know that we think they should ignore these threats.
Harold Ford, Jr. for Tennessee
UPDATE: Thanks to autoegocrat, who found the ad!